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TR Leger School Policies

Safe Schools Policy

The Upper Canada District School Board has a number of Safe Schools Policies. Their purpose is to maintain "a high level of safety and security for students, staff, and visitors so that its facilities are inviting, safe, and secure places in which to learn, work, and visit."

These policies were developed as a result of the Progressive Discipline and School Safety Act 2007.

This policy assures that:

  • physical, verbal or written, sexual, or psychological abuse; bullying; or discrimination on the basis of race, culture, religion, gender, language, disability, sexual orientation, or other attributes such as income or appearance are deemed unacceptable behaviour of any member of the school community;
  • discipline strategies are fair and non-violent and focus on teaching students about appropriate behaviours while maintaining self respect;
  • a sense of responsibility, empowerment, and ownership is encouraged by all members of the school community;
  • achievement and wellness are fostered for all students;
  • wide participation in extra-curricular activities by all students is encouraged;
  • parental involvement and community participation are invited.
  • Code of Conduct

    In addition, our school has a code of conduct which is meant to set the tone within the school and to ensure that the behaviours of everyone within the school environment are conducive to good learning and a reliable and positive working atmosphere. In short, this code appeals to students and staff alike to give the very best of themselves. The goal of all must be to create a school which is safe, inviting, and motivating. A copy of the Code of Conduct will be available at registration.

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